At Tulip Industries Ltd, we take pride in manufacturing disruptive technologies in Africa.


The tablet uses biometric sensors to produce more accurate data : a thermal camera scans the body temperature more precisely, the heart rate and O² saturation are picked up by the pulse oxymeter when a finger is scanned to measure the blood flow’s oxygen saturation.


Biometric data from its sensors help prescreen healthy patients from the severe cases and help prioritize the access to medical attention before the laboratory tests. The covid-19 scanner is a cheaper and renewable way to prescreen the public outside, the patients indoors and save lives by prioritizing urgencies..

What Does Tulip Industries Do?

The TENOR - sleek, stylish & high connectivity

Our Top Rated TENOR kiosk offers a stylish design and cutting edge technologies to the public.
From GSM, WiFi, Bluetooth to RFID technologies, the TENOR offers a wide array of connectivity.
Its A4 size thermal printer never requires ink cartridges, and the state of the art green energy storage system ensures you can operate the TENOR everywhere

Innovations Tailored to Needs

Experience a level of quality in both design & customization.

Creative agency



The Creative Team

We're an ambitious workaholic, but apart from that, pretty simple persons.

Tulip Industries
completes every project
with experience hand.